Listening in Many Publics

Jay Ritchie (CA)

Regular price $23.95


Poems that make me feel like I’m standing on the sidewalk waiting for a streetcar, surrounded by concrete and straining to hear a birdsong. It’s somehow brutalist and lonely and collectivist and hopeful at the same time. -BB

Listening in Many Publics is motivated by the possibility of a future that is fulfilling, luminous, and held in common. The book expresses this vision in three long poems which are themselves composed of individual, interlinked poems. Using a circular structure that resists linear capitalist logics, fragmentation that attunes us to sound over sense, and a hybrid form that traverses both poetics and narrative, the poems speak to the necessity of articulating possible futures, of rehearsing different ways of being, and of returning to material truths, together. Plural, civic, and political, the poems locate themselves in the many publics that constitute our individual and social being, interrogate that which brings the subject into existence, and ultimately convey an open, hopeful sensibility in the face of the structures and systems they critique.

Paperback | 96 pages | 5.00" x 8.00"