Eva H.D. (CA)
Hometown hero & butthead genius Eva HD writes of Toronto & NYC as if the most clued-in tour guide a person can get , finding beauty in the plainest of places. This book is the inspiration behind the latest Charlie Kauffman film Jackals & Fireflies. Go Eva! -JC
An astonishing, inventive new collection of poems from the author of Rotten Perfect Mouth.
Includes the poem “Bonedog” featured in the film I’m Thinking of Ending Things
Deeply attuned to the cadence of life, the poems in The Natural Hustle offer provocative, intimate snapshots. They explore the bewildering experience of living—precisely locating unexpected truths. Ingenious, original, surprising, here is a one-of-a-kind poetic voice.
Paperback | 128 pages | 5.55" x 8.56"